System update v24.06.10

Created on 27 June, 2024System • 379 views • 3 minutes read

System update v24.06.10

Important: Vcard phone numbers for QR codes, links, and blocks need to be re-added as the system has been redesigned to handle phone number labels. In other words, the ability to set custom phone number labels for Vcard links, Vcard blocks, and Vcard QR codes has been implemented.

New Web App (🔥New)

Instead of developing a traditional app, we present a Web App. Also known as a Progressive Web App, it allows you to install an icon on your phone (iOS, Android, or Windows) that opens your microweb account as if it were an app, but without needing to install it. Access it from your phone's browser and follow the instructions.

Static Sites (🔥New)

Implemented a new type of static website link for PRO5, AGENCY, and CORPORATE plans. You can create static HTML sites, compress them into a .ZIP file, and upload them to your personalized short URL. Share the link, and people can browse your static microsite!

Microweb Pages

  • Implemented the ability to configure and set background blur for microwebs.
  • Implemented the ability to configure and set background brightness for microwebs.
  • Implemented the contact collection block.
  • Implemented the ability to set a link and Alt image details for the Avatar block.
  • Added more fonts for microwebs.
  • Implemented the VK video block.
  • Implemented the Twitter video embed block.
  • Implemented the automatic font type change preview in microwebs.
  • Implemented the ability to disable scrolling animation in a microweb.
  • Implemented the ability to set the width of a microweb page.
  • Implemented the ability to set the space between each block in a microweb.
  • Implemented the Threads block.
  • Implemented the Snapchat block.
  • Implemented the Telegram block.
  • Implemented the ability to set custom phone number labels for Vcard links, Vcard blocks, and Vcard QR codes.
  • Implemented the ability to change the interval setting of the image slider block.

QR Codes

  • Improved the creation and update of QR codes with a new intuitive QR code type selector.
  • Implemented the ability to set a default brand logo for all QR codes.
  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable the default brand logo on QR codes according to plan settings.
  • Implemented the bulk creation system for QR codes.
  • Implemented the bulk download capability for QR code images.
  • Implemented the bulk deletion capability for QR codes.
  • Implemented the ability to set the first and second alert for event types in QR codes.
  • Implemented the ability to set a custom foreground image and its transparency for QR codes.
  • Implemented a new dynamic QR code generator that will automatically display links to created personalized pages.
  • Implemented the ability to change the QR code encoding.
  • Implemented the automatic scanning of QR codes to verify if the code is readable.
  • Implemented the custom background brand feature for QR codes.
  • Implemented the FRAMES feature for QR codes - with 8 different frames.
  • Implemented the resizable and adaptable frame text feature for QR codes.
  • Implemented the frame text font selection feature for QR codes.
  • Implemented custom frame colors for the frame and text.
  • Implemented the UPI payment type - QR code.
  • Implemented the EPC payment type - QR code.

Short Links

  • Implemented a new short URL feature that can automatically forward query parameters to the destination.
  • Implemented a new short URL feature that allows easy generation of UTM parameters.
  • Implemented the short URL feature for the app to have a fallback if the specific app is not installed on the phone.
  • Implemented the short URL feature for the app: Added detections for Twitter, Reddit, Amazon, TripAdvisor.
  • Implemented the masked URL feature for short links. (URL Cloaking)
  • Implemented the new app linking feature for short URLs that can automatically detect certain apps and open them via mobile.
  • Implemented YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Telegram, Whatsapp, Fb Messenger, Spotify, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Netflix, Twitch, Google Sheets, Google Maps, Airbnb for automatic app link detection in short URLs.


  • Implemented the bulk deletion capability for projects.
  • Implemented the bulk deletion capability for pixels.
  • Implemented a filter to search by pixel ID on the Pixels page.
  • Implemented the export to PDF functionality on the frontend.
  • Exported CSV and JSON files are now dynamically named by the page title.
  • Implemented the new Account Settings page.
  • All image input fields now have a way to remove the selected image file for upload.
  • Many other subtle visual improvements in certain parts of the platform.
  • Visual consistency cleanups and code optimizations.

We hope you enjoy the updates.

Best regards from the whole team!
